Monday, January 7, 2013

Stop making pennies as a dating affiliate. Start earning a real income as a financial affiliate

When coming from other affiliate marketing niches it may seem like a daunting task to get involved in a new vertical.
The average affiliate works in dating and downloads. Why? Because it is easy!
It is pretty easy to find someone that will be willing to download something new on their malware ridden computer or someone who is lonely at home and wishing they were spending their time with someone of the opposite (or same) sex.
Finding someone willing to invest $250, $500, or even $1000 would seem like a hugely more difficult task. But luckily it isn't.

But simply modifying your already developed sales techniques you can go from being an average affiliate making average earnings to being a financial affiliate receiving exceptional earnings.

I have found 7 of the best tips for being a dating affiliate (thanks you and have added how this can be applied to financial affiliation.

Make Them Want to See More.

It should be no surprise attractive profile pictures will attract new sign ups.
Even more effective is getting someones attention and then hiding what they are looking for.
By providing a 'sneak peak' of members and placing a lead form on top is sure fire way to generate new sign ups.

- How this applies to financial affiliates -

People who want more money are no different than people who want more sex.
By offering just peak at the secret way that they will see greater earnings in just the 30 minutes and having a lead generation form on top; you will have spiked their interests enough to enter in their name and email address. 

Live Video

Live streaming cam feeds are an instant way to get anybody's attention. Even if you were not interested in a date or a live cam show at that movement the sound will instantly get your attention. This moment of hesitation  prior to closing out a pop-up window is all you need to generate a new possible customer.
If the live video is not an option, this is not an issue; you can use prerecorded animation and videos. Only internet marketers know they aren't real and the you will see high conversion rates to prove it.

- How this applies to financial affiliates -

Movement and sound catches anyone's attention. Yes a beautiful woman sitting alone on a couch is enticing but so is a video of someone turning $500 into $50,000; it is even more so if the video is assumed to be live. This action will immediately generate interest.

Private and Secure

When dating online it is important to know that your information is private and secure. An attractive woman dating online does not need 1,000 creepy guys stalking her; this would quickly result in a lawsuit.
Or if you are like and you are advertising potential affairs it is also extremely important to make sure all information is confidential; if your information was public this website could not exist.

- How this applies to financial affiliates -

People doing financial transactions value their privacy just as much as anyone who is planning on cheating on their wife. It is incredibly important to make sure people know that when using their website their financial information and personal information will be 100% secure. No different than dating sites potential customers, people trading binary options are looking for the "SSL Secure Site" notification.

Stock Photos

Who would believe the people trust websites with stock imagines? Well it turns out they do. For dating websites stock images build a persona of professionalism and credibility. Potential customers do not need to believe those photos are of real people instead, they need to believe that the website has the resources to higher professional models, photographers and graphic artists

- How this applies to financial affiliates -

Potential binary option traders trust stock images just as much as potential dating website customers. They prefer to have professional images that they can personally relate to help build confidence in the brand and the website.

"Real" People are Online Nearby

Every dating website pop-up seems to know more or less where you live and how many woman are online just in that moment. This social proofing is a powerful conversion too. It allows the customer to believe that their is a firm possibility that the website will provide a suitable match and close to where they live.

- How this applies to financial affiliates -

Social proofing is also important when recruiting possible traders. By offering a number of people in your area that have been successful in trading options online you can further convince the possible customer that this is something that isn't only possible to do but easy as well. Look even Jon Doe next door did it!

Give Them What They Want

People looking for online dating are looking for someone in particular. This might just be sex, or people already in relationships, maybe it is targeted to just Jews or Christians, it does not really matter. You are focusing on finding conversions not everyone in the world looking for a date. By narrowing your markets down or focusing just on a certain groups needs you will find more targeted customers and higher conversion rates.

- How this applies to financial affiliates -

Giving people what they want by way of advertising in financial affiliation means you need to advertise where people want to invest. Finding websites that reach mid-age affluent men are best.
Targeting the right people is very importunate in financial affiliation. If you only target people who want to make money from home, you will be only targeting people without money or people with none of their own money to spend. 

Easy Sign-up

It is simple. The easier the sign up process the more leads you will generate. Thanks to the Facebook signup, it has never been easier to create leads. Clicking one button will enter in any relevant information and will quickly have possible costumers signed up to your program

- How this applies to financial affiliates -

For financial affiliates this is a mixed bag. Lead generation is an important step in the customer conversion process. Having as many leads as possible can mean as many conversion as possible. But since most conversion require a sales call the more information you have on a potential customer the better. For easy signs up keep it to as few forms as possible. Name, email, sex, phone number, amount they want to invest (or the less effective "earnings you would like to receive").

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