In internet marketing, it is vitally important to be relevant for the users. If you are not relevant, you will not have anyone visiting your
website, and those who do end up visiting your website will not be very interested in the programs you are promoting. Quality Score, the system Google uses to measure the relevance of your website, will be low. To understand what that means, first we need to understand what a quality score actually is, and how it is calculated.

First of all, a quality score is given to every
keyword individually, so while a score can be the highest (10) for some keywords, it can be the lowest (1) for other keywords. According to Google, there is a long list of factors which decides the quality score of each keyword. In short, the final score is determined by how relevant Google sees your keyword to your ads and to what a customer searches for, but additionally Google also takes general details about your website by looking at the quality of your landing page, how well your ads have been doing on a site, and how successful your accounts at Google have been in the regions you are targeting.
One factor which really makes a difference to whether your quality score is high or low is your click-through rate (
CTR). As a lot of testing has shown, the higher CTR, the higher your quality score.
There are great benefits of having high quality scores:
- It’s easier for your ad to show on the first page of search results
- It makes it easier for your ad to show towards the top of the page
- Your ad will show up higher on the page
- You pay less per click (lower CPC)
It is all about being relevant to the group of people you are targeting, and if you keep having relevant keywords and landing page, and increase your CTR, you will be rewarded with a high quality score. It takes lots of hard work to improve your quality scores, but when you see what that improvement will do to your ad campaign, it will be more than worth it.
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