Before we explain this new bidding strategy in deeper terms, let’s quickly remind ourselves what ROAS is in the first place. In simple terms, it is the total revenue generated for a specific marketing channel divided by the total spend on that vertical. Basically the percentage total of your profit vs advertising cost
As a formula it looks like this: Ad revenue/Ad Spend * 100. As an example, if you spend $500 on advertising and your revenue is $1000, your ROAS is 200%.
Fairly simple, but how does this apply to AdWords bidding? Google's new automatic bidding algorithm looks at the reported conversion values you report to them through Conversion Tracking, and by looking at those values, AdWords predicts future conversion and associated return or profit. In accordance to these values and conversion you will be able to set your personal ROAS % goal of how much revenue you want to make for each ad-dollar spent. From there your job in technically done. In accordance to this goal, AdWords' automatic bidding will set a maximum CPC bid to maximize your total conversion value, at the same time as trying to produce an average ROAS equal to your set goal.

At VIP Affiliates we encourage everyone to be cautious with automatic bidding. If you do not have a great deal of experience with AdWords or bidding, or don't have a deep insight in how it works, it would be better to take advice from experts and run your bidding manually. We are happy to share with you our experience, and give you the right tools to succeed with your biddings, so contact us today!
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