Friday, October 26, 2012

Key tips for starting your affiliate webpage

When starting your new affiliate website for Binary Options it is important to remember these tips.
Pick 2-3 topics you care about
Just because you have started Binary Options affiliate website doesn't mean you have to focus on just one topic. Though this is a financial niche, there are many different subject the make your reader interested in the product. There is stock analysis, market updates, currency pairing tip, trading tips, broker reviews, secret strategies.
The point is to write about something that interests you. Affiliate marketing is not something that will make $20,000 a month starting, it could take you years to get there, so what you decide to write about better be interesting to you.
Domain name
You need a good domain name for your new site. We use, and while they are not the best service, you should be able to get a good domain for a little as $10 a month. Try to find a domain that relevant to your topic, and the shorter the better. If you can not find a domain that you like that is okay, it is not the most important thing, but it will help you brand your product or website. Start with a registration of one year, because you can extend it at any time, and if you decide the domain stinks you can change it easily in the future.
To keep things simple there are basically two main types of hosting accounts you can get: shared servers and dedicated servers. A shared server is a cheaper option where your site is on a server with lots of other sites, a dedicated server only has your site(s) on it. When starting a new affiliate site, a shared plan should more than enough. Once your website start to see lots of traffic you might want to consider upgrading to a dedicated server. 
You will know when the time is right when you have noticed that your webpage is loading significantly slower then it used to.
Email service
One of the key methods for driving traffic back to affiliate sites is to work with an email service provider that enables your visitors to opt-in to get updates, newsletters, etc. from you by email. Find an email service that is right for you. You do not need this day one, but the ability to gather people who sign up to your service email addresses in a database will be an invaluable tool in your future.
The cheapest but most difficult thing you need for your new affiliate site: patience. Do not give into the temptation to put up ads right away. Instead, focus on building content to give people a reason to visit your site. When the time comes to incorporate ads, use ads that will help your site grow, and not those that pay the best. I’d suggest posting more than 20 quality times (at minimum) to a blog before any ads are up there. When you do put up ads, do not go right for banners, they are horrible converters. The vast majority of my affiliate commissions come from text links.
For example, I am writing about which broker is the best. I’ll link the name of the broker to a place where it can be purchased. That’s far more effective than a banner for the product. It is very important that you constantly test different ways to run advertising on your site to optimize the advertising strategies and phase out things that don’t work. 
Also, you don’t want to hear this, but you shouldn't expect much money for months. It takes time to build up a site and an audience. It will take time, but if you stick with it you will make an excellent income without lifting a finger.
Find your voice
People will follow your affiliate site as they get to know you. Unless you are a journalist, the last time you had really written anything was high school or college. All you need to do is remember to be yourself and write in your voice. It can sometimes get tough to think of things to wrote on your blog, so read other peoples blogs, find a format that works for you.
Also, its is good to comment on peoples feedback. The best blogs are often a dialog between a reader and the writer. Take advantage of your readers thoughts and turn that into interesting topic for your market
Find an affiliate programs
There are many affiliate programs out there. It is important to know how they will track your traffic, when you will get paid, what is a realistic performance for the traffic you will be sending. 
Luckily our affiliate network does all these things and more. Check us out at

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